Its not an added extra

There are many things that drive me and others mad about bad and inconsiderate drivers and i will just express my opinions here. Lets start my first post about INDICATING. It drives me mad that poeple don’t indicate or indicate incorrectly or late, what is wrong with you people its not a difficult process and yes your vehicle was fitted with them to as standard. If you check the sticking out arm/stalk things on either side (or just one side) of the steering wheel you will find them there, they have been very conveniently placed so as to be easy to operate without even taking a hand off the steering wheel, how amazing is that. Well now you know where to find them lets help you understand what they are for and how to use them. You will find that if you push the arm/stalk in the direction you want to turn the steering wheel that the nice orange lights on the outside of the vehicle start to flash on the front, back and side of the vehicle, you might also notice a green light on the dashboard flashing away and on some models of vehicle it will even be an arrow shape pointing in the direction that the arm/stalk was pushed. That’s mazing don’t you think and guess what it helps all other road users around you know what your intention is eliminating the need for a crystal ball or the need to learn mind reading and it helps those other road users make a decision based on the information you have given them in turn allowing better flow of traffic and reducing the congestion and the queues of traffic that you hate being stuck in. Again i know this may be an enlightening time for you now but it just shows you that there was lots of thought went into the design of that vehicle your driving and love by the product designers. They thought about how you could not only enjoy the comfort of that vehicle but also how you could help inform your fellow motorists of your intentions so that they could enjoy thier driving experience to. So now you know what that arm/stalk does and what those orange lights are for lets hope you can learn how to use them. I will post instructions on how to use them another time when i have a little bit more time available.
